Would you believe that we already have BIG plans for our recital this year? It’s all happening in the most exciting way and your child has been extra busy in dance class learning their fabulous routine!! They are working hard and learning how to give them the old razzle dazzle on that stage. Nothing is more thrilling than seeing your little shining star dancing their heart out under the big lights and performing on stage gives your child so much more that the flashy costume and exciting applause. Here are some of the fabulous perks of performance!

  • Improve Academics – Correlating movement to music involves critical thinking, problem solving, mathmatical skills, memorization and creative thought processes that enhance children’s academic abilities.
  • Builds Self-confidence – Mastering new skills and performing in front of an audience provides children an outlet to express emotions, ease anxiety and feel pride in their accomplishments.
  • Expands Communication & Social Skills – Performing as a group connects children to others, teaches teamwork, improves communication and provides a sense of responsibility.
  • Develop Physical Strengths – Learning to sing and dance on stage cultivates physical fitness skills like balance, control and coordination as well as provides an aerobic exercise for overall health.
  • Expands Creativity & Imagination – Playing in a world of make-believe as a performer expands the mind by inspiring originality, promoting artistry and is just plain fun!

We cann’t wait for you to see what your little star has been practicing in class on the big stage. Stayed tuned for more information about the exciting recital day and all that jazz!